New Age Caravans gain international chassis certification
New Age Caravans is celebrating engineering excellence through global certification of the manufacturing process of all New Age Caravans chassis.

The chassis, which are designed by Walkinshaw Automotive Group and manufactured by Hilton Manufacturing, the highest accredited manufacturer in the industry, now have international certification in quality management systems, quality requirements and welding quality.
Following on from complete Australian Design Rules (ADR) approval on their entire range, New Age Caravans describe this latest commendation as another example of the lengths they go to, to ensure the highest levels of quality, safety, and peace of mind for all New Age Caravan owners – exceeding industry requirements.

“When we look at how New Age Caravans chassis are designed and manufactured, we want to ensure that they are of the highest quality in all aspects,” said New Age Caravans Managing Director, Chris Polites. “The expertise of the Walkinshaw Automotive Group design team, as well as the international certifications of Hilton Manufacturing, proves how seriously we take this.
“It’s not something that's mandated or monitored within the industry, but considered essential for us. The chassis is the main connection point between a caravan and the road, so all New Age owners should have peace of mind every time they are towing a New Age Caravan.
“It also ties in heavily with our recent ADR approvals on our entire range - quality and safety is our top priority.”

International certifications used on a New Age Caravans chassis include ISO 9001, the international standard of quality management system, ISO 3834, the global welding quality requirement benchmark, DIN 2303, quality requirements for production and maintenance companies for military products, as well as International Welding Specialist and International Welding Engineer accredited staff.
Ultimately, this all means that every New Age Caravans chassis is designed, tested, and built to the highest possible standards.

Examples of equipment and methods employed to achieve these standards is the use of a robotic welder to ensure consistency, while the rigorous testing process each chassis goes through far exceeds any mandatory requirements, but is considered essential in the eyes of New Age Caravans.
To view the current range of New Age Caravans, go to: