Caravanning Queensland Supports QLD Road Safety Week
With more than 190,000 recreational vehicles registered in Queensland, and a surge in Caravan Sales since restrictions on international travel were introduced, Caravanning Queensland’s Towing & Safety awareness videos are a fantastic way to pick up some tips and important towing information from industry experts.

Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Hon. Mark Bailey, said the Queensland Government is very pleased to be working with Caravanning Queensland as part of Queensland Road Safety Week.
“We have had a fantastic relationship over the last 5 years, supporting Caravanning Queensland doing their safety checks and getting information out to people that have got Caravans & RV’s” Mr Bailey said.

“We want to see all RV owners driving around safely, knowing how to do weight distribution, how to prepare and do maintenance and we love working with Caravanning Queensland to get better outcomes.”
Caravanning Queensland CEO, Jason Plant, said the aim of the video series is to educate new and experienced RV owners on how they can tow more confidently and safely whilst on the road touring this great state.

"Caravanning Queensland is a proud supporter of Queensland Road Safety Week and what better way to recognise this important initiative than by educating caravan & rv owners on important aspects of towing and road safety,” Mr Plant said.
Two new videos will be posted to Caravanning Queensland’s Facebook page daily throughout QLD Road Safety Week, 24 – 28 August, with all videos uploaded to
The series of videos will cover topics such as caravan suspension & couplings, weight distribution, towing courses, caravan maintenance, wheel bearings, tyres, braking systems and hooking up your caravan. Each video features industry experts who have a passion for all things towing and caravanning.-.
“With no international travel for the immediate future, more Queenslanders are turning to caravans and recreational vehicles as their first-choice holiday option. We are seeing more caravanners new to the lifestyle, hitting the road for the very first time. Through programs like these, people can pick up important tips on how to get to their destination safely and incident free” Mr Plant said.
Caravanning Queensland’s FREE video series will run throughout QLD Road Safety week, 24 – 28 August 2020, with new video content posted daily. For more information on all Caravanning Queensland events, Caravan Safety Check Days and seminars visit